Henley's Apron

Henley's Apron

Posted by Judy and Jeni on May 5th 2020

Many of you know that Jeni has an adorable 4-year granddaughter, Henley. She received a pretend cupcake-baking kitchen set, and is totally into it. She plays for hours on end, taking orders, baking the goods, and serving them.

Of course, her Grammy (AKA Jeni) couldn't pass up the opportunity to make some aprons and oven mitts (or "mittens," as Henley calls them).

If you are interested in making similar aprons, Jeni whipped them up in no-time flat.

First she simply used a tea towel and cord. Those cupcakes look delish! Click on the picture for the pattern.

Tea towel apron

Then, Jeni couldn't stop there. So she whipped up a couple aprons with matching oven mitts. Click on either picture for the pattern.

Aprons and matching oven mitts

Kids' apron and matching oven mitts